Besides that dissapointing news I am very happy because I just took a test for my Public Relations class and got a 96%! I've never done that well in the testing center before. The testing center is a huge room full of students where we all go to take tests. They even have like these security guys who walk around to make sure you don't cheat and stuff. I wouldn't cheat, but every time I go in there I don't know anyone anyway. So when you're done with the test you give it to the guy and he goes in and runs it through a machine. Then the test score comes on this big panel out in the hallway, you have to know your student ID # to be able to know which test score is yours. Well I thought I knew my student ID # but when I saw it said 96% I pulled my student ID card out, you know, just to make sure. No joke! 96%! That was by far the best I've ever done on a test in that silly testing center. So obviously I took out my cell phone to take a picture of it, not to brag, mainly to prove to the rents that I'm actually capable of doing that well. hah. Before I could snap the picture a worker came out and told me I couldn't take pictures of the screen.'re just going to have to believe me. Lindsi did.
For this weekend I think I'm going to longboard (weather permiting). I love it! It's a way of life, for real. I ride a Loaded Vanguard which is like the most amazing board ever. In this picture I'm rocking my Argentina jersey b/c that's where I served my mission and I loved it! Back to the vanguard, yeah it's so tiiiight. I have o-tang wheels 75mm, built for speed. I yet have to see my boyfriend Ben try it out. He's pretty scared about it which can only mean it's going to be super funny. I'm already imagining how bad he's going to biff it. So I'm going to try to convince him to come with me this weekend. Usually when I go longboard I go with guys, not that many girls are into it, and if they are they aren't into it for real, they just like to ride in a park or something. When I go, I go all out.....helmet, knee pads, and most importantly....sliding gloves. I LOVE to slide, it's like the most amazing thing ever. I can definitely improve, but little by little I'm getting it.
Tonight Ben and I and his sisters (who are visiting from Boise) are going to go rock climbing. I enjoy it. They have all sorts of different courses. You can boulder too. Plus it's friday which means tonight is date night and they'll have the trampoline up and sumo wrestling. I have no chance on the sumo wrestling thing against Ben, he's 6'4" 207 pounds. I'm 5'5" 135 pounds. hah Maybe my speed will least give me a small chance.
I still have to prepare my lesson for sunday. I'm a sunday school teacher. I teach Family History and Temple Work. So yeah.....pretty important. Dang. I should probably go do that right about ......
Peace and Love.
:-) Hooray! A blog! I love it. LOL'd on the test score, that's great. Have fun rock climbing, that sounds like fun, but I'll tell ya, I'm really looking forward to the day I can longboard with you!! Sadly the ones they have for sale in Hastings just don't have the heavy duty trucks like the ones on your and the wheels are sucky small. Guess I'll have to hold a garage sale fund-raiser. Hugs!!