Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June 16 2011 Fashion Show!!!

Hey Hey!!!
So this week started off great! My friend Joy Baird and I gave a presentation in our Public Relations class. It was a lot of fun. We did it on the TJX credit card scandal that happened a few years ago. For the beginning of our project we had to capture the class' attention. So we decided to do a fashion show. We had the song "Single Ladies" by Beonce playing, we had cute outfits and even a red carpet. haha 

It was a lot of fun! I'm working on my resume demo. I finished my Idaho Education Reform package. Turned out great. I'll probably post it tomorrow or something. Also tomorrow is the Newell K. Whitney conference. A lot of people are coming to school to speak to us, like: Dirk Gates, Kate Jones and Sara Wells, Gary Lewis, and Robert Whitman. I'm excited to hear them! 

I-News in Spanish is progressing. We just finished making a commercial for our show. It's tiiight. We have a serious journalistic feel to it. We also took a photo shoot and there are some pretty spectacular photos.

That's the commercial, hopefully you can see it. Here's some pictures of the photo shoot we had. 

That's my blue steel face. I got to go to the Nik Day concert this weekend. That was way fun. He's awesome! He's from Idaho Falls, so he loves BYU-I. You should check him out.

He's a really good piano player. I got his CD and autograph. haha Woo! His opening act was amazing, Stephen Jones. He was sooooo funny! He's the guy that did the new spice commercial.
Ok well that's all for now. Have a great day!
Peace & Love

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